
Theatre in English

On 10th November we will attend a play in English at the Centro Cultural Ramon Alonso Luzy . All ESO is invited to participate, we hope your attendance.
You know that the play will be easy and fun and worth doing that immersion in English, 
You will learn while enjoying! 
Do not forget to bring the permission form filled by your parents on Wednesday to class!

Here you are the text we are going to prepare before the play.


Create your own voki

You only have to click on my voki and you will be sent to the page where you can create your own voki. Just follow the instructions, and it'll be done. Once you have created your viki you have to write the text you want him/her to say (your name and something else); you can also record your own voice with your description, to do so you only hve to click on the microphone and start recording. Then embed the code on your blog so that everybody can see it. Remember what I explained last Tuesday.

Sólo tenéis que pinchar sobre mi voki y eso os llevará a la página de Voki donde podéis crear vuestro propio voki. Sólo seguid las instrucciones y se hará. Una vez hayáis creado vuestro voki tenéis que escribir lo que queréis que diga (vuestro nombre y algo más); también podéis grabar vuestra propia voz, para ello sólo tenéis que pinchar sobre el micrófono y empezar a grabar. Incrustad después el código en vuestro blog para que todo el mundo pueda verlo. Recordad lo que os expliqué el pasado martes.

Here you are the video I have created to help you.
Aquí tenéis el video que he hecho para ayudaros.

voki por carmentorres


Design a poster for road safety in Europe

Poster Contest

The European Commission needs your creativity to spread a message about responsible driving among young people.
The winning poster will be translated into all 23 official EU languages, it ​​will be distributed in 27 European countries, and used in a campaign in Brussels, and possibly in similar campaigns in other Member States.
The winner will receive a prize of 2000 € and will be invited to the ceremony on November 24, 2011, in Brussels.
The contestants in the second and third place will receive a prize of 1000 € each, which will be notified by mail.  
If you are interested click here and Good luck!


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